My point and click views this week:
(as always, click on the photos to enlarge them)
Around the house I put up the Christmas decorations and arranged the gorgeous wood Santa carvings by my brother and smelled some of our lovely roses.
Camped in the Desert
(which is always an adventure with my two boys!)
The only picture my son would let me take of him (that he knew about!) |
Campfire by the Arizona Sunset |
Beautiful Scenery! |
There's gold on the other side of them-there hills!
The Vulture Mine gold to be exact! |
He should have brused more frequently don't you think? |
Yes, but it's a dry heat! |
Moonrise over the mountains |
Cholla |
These will hurt! |
These will hurt more! |
These are just cool looking! |
More stick-i-stuff |
And, a beautiful, young saguaro! |
How was your week - see anything beautiful or interesting you'd like to share?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Beauty in the Strangest Places!