I saw Lorelei's blog post last wednesday of her work bench along with Erin Siegel's pics she posted of her new studio space and how that's coming along and they both prompted me to "take inventory", if you will.

With just two bedrooms and a den (Mike's Man Cave!) I am 'sharing' some space now, so to speak, and nothing can "live" out in the open. Everything (and I mean everything), has to be put away each time I'm done working for the day, or even 'pausing' for awhile as I do my daily duties of helping my husband run our family company. (Otherwise I cannot reach my computer in order to work!)
Lately, I am feeling the need to 'spread out' and take over a room - a room that I don't have (yet!). But, I wanted to share the views from "Inside My Studio" with you because I feel that if I "put it out there" then I'll be motivated to straighten it up again and organize things back to a more manageable level.

So, here's a glimpse around,....and heres wishing that everyone's "Dream Studio" comes true!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Counting My Blessings!